De'Ron Smith
I Dream Academy - Cincinnati, CEO
A Mentoring, Development and Therapeutic Academy for medium and high risk youth. We incorporate multiple venues that guarantees us to meet the yout...
Robin Walker
Technology Tailor Made, President and CEO
Robin Walker is the CEO of Technology, Tailor Made and is the founder and Executive Director of BYOC (Build Your Own Computer) Camps and Clubs.  Ro...
Toilynn O'Neal Turner
Robert O'Neal Multicultural Art Center, Founding Director
Alexander Bernard Folson
Adopt A Class Foundation, Corporate Relationship Manager
Trazana Staples
Trazana A Staples Alternative Stroke Recovery Fund, Founder/CEO
Trazana A. Staples Alternative Stroke Recovery Fund’s mission is to educate our community of the benefits of integrative and complementary wellness...
Aaron Black
Midwest Mobile ATM , President of sales and Operations
I analyze each risk in depth to help uncover potential risks and create insurance & risk management tools for small to mid-sized businesses, techno...
Sherrylynn Beckham
Be Defined Training & Companion Care LLC
Hi, I'm Sherrylynn Beckham and  I am the founder and lead instructor of Be Defined Training, a small CPR training business located in Norwood, OH, ...