Introducing prime contractors and facilitating matchmaking for smaller contractors at the Convention Center Renovation Kick-Off. Calling all MBE/WBE and DBE subcontractors to join us at the upcoming networking event to kick off the convention center renovation project for a chance to connect and collaborate!
An overview of the project and construction timeline will be provided. Come out, meet the prime contractors and learn about opportunities on the project.
Food and drinks will be provided.
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Duke Energy Convention Center
525 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202
September 27th, 2023
5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the African American Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2303 Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206 – (513) 751-9900 –